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On this page we publish articles regar­ding our products and services as well as inte­res­ting news about our company and projects 


Cont4S Integrator — Work­flow Usage

Cont4S Integrator — Work­flow Usage

Cont4S Inte­gra­torNew Func­tion “SAP Work­flow” Cont4S Integrator SAP Work­flow Usage The Cont4S Integrator allows adding objects in the SAP system via BAPIs or recorded tran­sac­tions from Micro­soft Excel. While data often needs to be stored or posted directly in SAP,…

Cont4S Integrator attachement

Cont4S Integrator attachement

Cont4S Inte­gra­torNew Func­tion “File atta­che­ment” Cont4S Integrator File atta­che­ment The Cont4S Integrator allows to add objects in the SAP system via BAPIs or recorded tran­sac­tions from Micro­soft Excel. Regar­ding the default SAP system, attach­ments can be saved and…

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