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On this page we publish articles regarding our products and services as well as interesting news about our company and projects

Cont4S Integrator — Mercedes-Benz Group AG Success Story
Success Story Cont4S Integrator @ Mercedes-Benz Group AG Cont4S Integrator area of application at Mercedes-Benz Group AG The linked press report explains the use of the Cont4S integrator at Mercedes-Benz Group AG for the rollout of a new SAP template. Our…

Cont4S Integrator — Certification by SAP
Cont4S Integrator Certification by SAP successfully completed Cont4S Integrator — Certification by SAP successfully completed The Cont4S Integrator allows the creation of input and output interfaces for SAP systems without additional programming. The optional…

Ratiosoft GmbH joins SAP® PartnerEdge® Program
Ratiosoft GmbH Joins SAP® PartnerEdge® Program Ratiosoft GmbH Joins SAP® PartnerEdge® Program MANNHEIM, Germany — September 26, 2022 Ratiosoft announced today that it has achieved SAP silver partner status in the SAP® PartnerEdge® program. This is a clear…

Cont4S Integrator — Workflow Usage
Cont4S IntegratorNew Function “SAP Workflow” Cont4S Integrator SAP Workflow Usage The Cont4S Integrator allows adding objects in the SAP system via BAPIs or recorded transactions from Microsoft Excel. While data often needs to be stored or posted directly in SAP,…

Cont4S Integrator attachement
Cont4S IntegratorNew Function “File attachement” Cont4S Integrator File attachement The Cont4S Integrator allows to add objects in the SAP system via BAPIs or recorded transactions from Microsoft Excel. Regarding the default SAP system, attachments can be saved and…
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+49 621 7284839–0