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Your partner for SAP
consul­ting and development

Profes­sional Services for your Projects

As a medium-sized consul­ting company we are committed to support our custo­mers in their projects through excel­lent work.

Our focus is on the entire area of accoun­ting. Nevert­heless, one of our core compe­ten­cies is the concep­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of inter­faces between the accoun­ting and logi­stics modules or systems. Thus, we also act as a link between these two areas.

There are situa­tions where the stan­dard func­tional scope of SAP does not meet the requi­re­ments of our custo­mers. Our profound know­ledge in desig­ning and deve­lo­ping indi­vi­dual exten­sions enables us to provide tailor-made solu­tions even to the most chal­len­ging requi­re­ments. Further­more, we often act as the commu­ni­ca­tive link between the busi­ness depart­ment and the IT.

Many years of trus­ting coope­ra­tion with various compa­nies confirms us in our methodology.


Finding the best possible solu­tion for your indi­vi­dual task is the main goal for our employees. Our consul­ting services are based not only on profes­sional Know-How, but also on close and reliable colla­bo­ra­tion with you.

Soft­ware Development

In addi­tion to stan­dard system enhance­ments and customer-specific reports, we develop comple­tely inno­va­tive solu­tions which are tail­ored to fit your company‘s needs. For this purpose, we combine new tech­ni­ques with proven methods to achieve the optimal solu­tion for your challenges. 


Project-accom­panying, we provide your our full support for the admi­nis­tra­tion of hard- and soft­ware compon­ents, custo­mi­zing, and indi­vi­dual requi­re­ments. Of course we stay at your disposal on short call for further opti­miza­tion after project completion.




Our quali­fied SAP consul­ting team is committed to finding the best possible solu­tion for your indi­vi­dual task in a precise and effi­cient manner.


Our consul­ting service includes:


  • Prepa­ra­tion of feasi­bi­lity studies
  • As-is analysis and concept development
  • Project plan­ning and organization
  • Project realiza­tion and implementation
  • Design and deve­lo­p­ment of system enhance­ments for process optimization
  • Reen­gi­nee­ring of busi­ness processes
  • Trai­ning of all users
  • Support after intro­duc­tion of the software
  • Execu­tion of release upgrades
  • Inte­gra­tion:
    • Employee inte­gra­tion: SAP NetWeaver Enter­prise Portal
    • Process inte­gra­tion: SAP NetWeaver Work­flow Management
    • Data inte­gra­tion: SAP NetWeaver Exch­ange Inter­face, Busi­ness Intel­li­gence, Master Data Management

As-Is analysis and concept development 

Since each project is unique, we always provide case-oriented consul­ting. Toge­ther with our custo­mers we analyze the current situa­tion in your company. In this way we do not only iden­tify the core processes and their indi­vi­dual requi­re­ments, but also create a common ‚language‘/conceptual frame­work, which is essen­tial for successful project plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion. Based on the as-is analysis, we develop a custo­mized solu­tion for you. 

Project plan­ning and organization 

In this phase we put the project team toge­ther and coor­di­nate the approach with you. We develop an inte­grated overall concept for your purpose which is based on the previous as-is analysis of the busi­ness processes in your company as well as on the neces­sary changes. The optimum use of the stra­tegic advan­tages of the SAP imple­men­ta­tion is our main target. 

Project realiza­tion and implementation 

Our and your employees remain in close dialog during the entire project realiza­tion. Our consul­tants provide answers to all specific ques­tions about indi­vi­dual SAP modules. This prevents misun­derstan­dings and loss of infor­ma­tion. Further­more, we pursue the stra­tegy of ‘early proto­ty­ping’, which allows us to present your employees with quick results, make correc­tions at an early stage, and work toge­ther to find the optimal solu­tion for your company.
When deve­lo­ping the future processes, we look at the orga­niza­tional struc­ture and the process manage­ment and search for solu­tion scena­rios that combine your requi­re­ments with the system’s capa­bi­li­ties. In case that indi­vi­dual SAP stan­dard tools cannot be opti­mally used for certain busi­ness processes in your company, we make suitable enhance­ments in accordance with the valid SAP stan­dards. This ensures that the cost of a release upgrade does not increase significantly. 

We are also available for one-time data transfer from legacy systems into the SAP system and the deve­lo­p­ment of perma­nent inter­faces to parallel systems. 

Trai­ning of all users 

By already invol­ving your employees at an early stage and to a considerable extent, the transfer of know-how is virtually inci­dental. In addi­tion, we offer trai­ning events in which the processes in your company are simu­lated. For this purpose, we align the trai­ning with the processes in your company and work with reali­stic master and tran­sac­tion data. This not only increases your employees’ under­stan­ding, but also their accep­tance regar­ding the change process. 

Support after intro­duc­tion of the software 

Expe­ri­ence shows that in the first weeks after the system start, there are still ques­tions or change requests from the users. We imple­ment all desired and neces­sary impro­ve­ments until your complete satisfaction. 

Imple­men­ta­tion of release upgrades 

Release changes become neces­sary over time. These are routine tasks for us and are carried out quickly and safely by our employees.

Soft­ware Development 



Ratio­soft is a compe­tent partner for indi­vi­dual appli­ca­tion deve­lo­p­ment due to its many years of project prac­tice. Our soft­ware appli­ca­tions are market-driven, tech­ni­cally mature and customer-specific. 

Our deve­lo­p­ment services in detail:

  • Inte­gra­tion of third-party systems using the best tech­no­lo­gies for the use case (Hana, S/4 Hana, AIF, Fiori, ALE, PO)
  • Imple­men­ta­tion of complex system networks using the deve­lo­p­ment tools: 
  • SAP NetWeaver Deve­loper Studio
  • SAP Visual Composer
  • SAP Compo­site Appli­ca­tion Framework
  • SAP Solu­tion Manager
  • Design and deve­lo­p­ment of release-inde­pen­dent system enhancements 
  • Concep­tion and deve­lo­p­ment of evalua­tions and reports 
  • Concep­tion and deve­lo­p­ment of indi­vi­dual customer solutions
  • Concep­tion and deve­lo­p­ment of Add-Ons
  • Support



    The Ratio­soft consul­ting team is expe­ri­enced in projects and is always up to date with the latest know­ledge due to conti­nuous trai­ning and certi­fi­ca­tion of our staff. This avoids mistakes which can already occur in the concep­tion phase during system selec­tion and integration. 

    With the help of proven test scena­rios and indi­vi­du­ally custo­mized concepts, the inte­gra­tion is managed and the IT solu­tion is safely intro­duced into your company processes. Our profound deve­lo­p­ment expe­ri­ence ensures long-term system stabi­lity even in the case of program adapt­a­tions as well as exten­sions and protects your system against unplea­sant fail­ures. Our well-prepared concepts guarantee a fast and effec­tive imple­men­ta­tion of tasks. 

    In our data center we main­tain SAP systems with all release statuses of our custo­mers. This enables our deve­lo­pers and consul­tants to respond quickly, indi­vi­du­ally and with high quality to all your requi­re­ments at any time. 

    We always are open for any of your sugges­tions and problems. Fast and prag­matic solu­tions are our trademark. 

    During the week we are available for you between 08:00 and 18:00 o’clock with words and deeds. By arran­ge­ment, e.g. when an appli­ca­tion is going live or in acute emer­gen­cies, our support is of course also available outside office hours and at weekends. 

    You can contact our support hotline by phone +49 (621) 7284839–0

    or under the email address: support(at)ratiosoft.de.

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