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Logo der Ratiosoft GmbH

Your partner for SAP
consul­ting and development

Long-term expe­ri­ence on SAP projects

Since the company was founded in 1999, we have successfully supported our custo­mers with inno­va­tive IT solu­tions and made it possible to secure and perma­nently expand their profi­ta­bi­lity using modern tech­no­lo­gies. In doing so, we support our custo­mers with our know­ledge in busi­ness consul­ting as well as in the concep­tion and deve­lo­p­ment of our own solu­tions. One of our core compe­ten­cies is the migra­tion of data between diffe­rent systems.

Inter­na­tional projects with high customer satisfaction

Our compre­hen­sive customer support begins with stra­tegic consul­ting and conti­nues through the design and imple­men­ta­tion of SAP solu­tions all the way to employee trai­ning. As an inde­pen­dent IT provider with inter­na­tional expe­ri­ence in projects in Europe, Asia as well as North and Central America, Ratio­soft supports you holi­sti­cally in the intro­duc­tion of custo­mized system solu­tions.
We are proud of our long-term as well as our trustful customer rela­ti­onships. Some of them can be seen in excerpts in our references.

Concep­tion and soft­ware development

We develop our own tools and soft­ware products that regu­larly increase the economic success of our custo­mers. We also sustain­ably reduce costs and increase overall perfor­mance. These factors contri­bute to the impro­ve­ment of competitiveness.

With our product Cont4S Integrator we give our custo­mers the possi­bi­lity to realize migra­tion or peri­odic inter­faces without further deve­lo­p­ment, inte­gra­ting both Micro­soft Excel and SAP AIF (Appli­ca­tion Inter­face Frame­work) into the inter­face process.

Naming of Ratiosoft

Ratio­na­lity (from Latin ratio = under­stan­ding, reason or ratio­na­litas = ability to think) describes gene­rally rational action or beha­vior based on insight (meaning causes and their effects). Ratio­na­lity became the main philo­sophy of our company. It deter­mines our actions, our consul­ting and our products.

People and their role at Ratiosoft

The leading role for our company are the people and their rela­tions with the envi­ron­ment. Our employees are the company’s capital regar­ding their know­ledge and expe­ri­ence. Their achie­ve­ments result from their inno­va­tive ability, their moti­va­tion and their quality stan­dards. Ther­e­fore, our major focus is on the promo­tion and educa­tion of our employees.
We at Ratio­soft abandon rigid orga­niza­tional stuc­tures. Instead, wecreate the neces­sary freedom in which our employees can develop their inno­va­tive strength and react flexibly to customer requi­re­ments.
We see the coope­ra­tion with our custo­mers as an evol­ving part­ner­ship. Excel­lent commu­ni­ca­tion combined with mutual trust between the people of our compa­nies are essen­tial for successful work.

Our mission at Ratiosoft

We combine people, processes and tech­no­logy.

We are an IT company that offers custo­mized SAP solu­tions for custo­mers from various indus­tries. Our compe­ten­cies include busi­ness consul­ting as well as tech­nical exper­tise for the concep­tion, deve­lo­p­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of indi­vi­dual solu­tions. Accor­ding to this we frequently act as the link between busi­ness depart­ments and IT.

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