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How to start with Cont4S?

SAP Work­flow Inte­gra­tion in latest Release

How to start with Cont4S?

    With the Cont4S Integrator we offer a product that allows our custo­mers to create inter­faces between SAP and other systems very effi­ci­ently and without programming. The option of inte­gra­ting MS Excel and SAP AIF into the inter­face process without addi­tional effort heavily extends the application’s possibilities. 

    Have we piqued your inte­rest? Then read on for further information! 

    Cont4S Integrator Basic 

    You want to use the possi­bi­lity to feed your SAP system with input and output inter­faces via MS Excel data. 

    1. License the Cont4S Integrator Basic accor­ding to your requirements. 
    2. You will receive a trans­port which imports the Cont4S objects into your SAP system. By using our name­space there won’t be any conflicts with exis­ting objects. 
    3. Install addi­tional func­tion­a­li­ties for checking and posting data through your SAP system in MS Excel. 
    4. You are ready to go. 


    Cont4S Integrator Pro

    You would like to use the oppor­tu­nity to setup input and output inter­faces from and into your SAP system via MS Excel. You are already using SAP AIF or plan to use SAP AIF. 

    1. License the Cont4S Integrator Premium accor­ding to your requirements. 
    2. You will receive a trans­port that imports the Cont4S objects into your SAP system. By using our name­space no conflict with exis­ting objects can occur. 
    3. Install a local client via SAP tran­sac­tion for checking and posting data from MS Excel via an SAP transaction. 
    4. You are ready to go. 

      SAP AIF Inter­face as required 

      You need to imple­ment an SAP AIF inter­face in the short term and provide it with data. 

      1. You are already using the Cont4S Integrator, then you will receive your new SAP AIF inter­face inclu­ding the docu­men­ta­tion imme­dia­tely as transport. 

        You do not use the Cont4S Integrator yet. Cont4S is manda­tory to execute the data transfer. Please contact us for licen­sing and deli­ve­ring the soft­ware. You will receive the SAP AIF inter­face as trans­port immediately. 

      2. You are ready to go. 

      Compa­rison of Versions 

      The adja­cent table shows an unclut­tered compa­rison of the func­tion­a­lity of the diffe­rent versions. 

      Cont4S Integrator: Vergleich der Versionen
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