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Cont4S Integrator
SAP Inter­face Frame­work

SAP Work­flow Inte­gra­tion
in latest Release

Scope of Function

  • Input inter­faces with or without use of the SAP AIF frame­work, if desired with inte­gra­tion of Micro­soft Excel for:
    • All available SAP stan­dard BAPIs for depo­si­tion of data 
    • Data attach­ments for SAP transactions 
    • Tables
  • Output inter­faces for all data of SAP system that can be selected via SAP Query, with the objec­tive which either is the SAP AIF or Micro­soft Excel worksheet

Concrete Example of Application

The legacy system can be a third-party system, but also a sepa­rate or the same SAP system. Since both input and output inter­faces can be provided, there are nume­rous possi­bi­li­ties for using the Cont4S Integrator platform:

  • For proces­sing of unique or peri­odic inter­faces between legacy systems and SAP systems 
  • To struc­ture of test systems or clients via provided Excel worksheets
  • For initial crea­tion of master data in new busi­ness units 
  • For Distri­bu­tion of data between SAP systems 
  • For the mass changes of data
  • For data exch­ange within an SAP system or between diffe­rent SAP systems, whereby the data can be copied 1:1 but can also be modi­fied, extended or filtered in Micro­soft Excel, if desired 
  • For copying data from one busi­ness unit (plant, company code, control­ling area) to another within a client
    • To copy data from one client to another client 
    • Copying data to another SAP system 
    • As well as many other use cases that appear during the imple­men­ta­tion of a project or even during operations 

Inbound Inter­faces

The adja­cent diagram gives an over­view of the several ways to transfer data to an SAP system with the Cont4S Integrator. 

The Excel inte­gra­tion offers the possi­bi­lity to convert data to CSV or XLSX format. This data can then be trans­ferred for proces­sing either directly to the Posting Engine or to an AIF interface. 

The Posting Engine allows the direct selec­tion of BAPIs, tran­sac­tions or main­ten­ance of table data. 

Cont4S Integrator Eingangsschnittstellen

Outbound Inter­faces

The diagram to the left gives an over­view of the diffe­rent ways to extract data from the SAP system using the Cont4S Integrator.

Data can be read from the SAP system via a query and after­wards be passed to an AIF inter­face or the Excel Engine via the Posting Engine.

Cont4S Integrator Ausgangsschnittstellen


Our product Cont4S Integrator is based on many years of expe­ri­ence in internal SAP projects. Due to our addi­tional services, custo­mers can benefit from this expe­ri­ence in the design and imple­men­ta­tion of inter­faces with or without product related services. 

Cont4S Integrator Services
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